
E-MAIL stan@stbaggett.com




Stan's love of flying has an added 
convenience for checking on projects 
or meeting with clients at a moments notice in the western U.S.

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       Educational Background

Building Construction School of Architecture
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama


Personal Work Experience

March 1984 to Present

S. T. Baggett, Inc.
, Reno, Nevada. General Contractor. Incorporated in 1984. Stanley T. Baggett, President. Total operational responsibility. Overseeing every step of the project from bidding to completion.

March 1980 - March 1984

Promoted to Project Manager of IVES Construction Company, Inc., Montgomery, Alabama. Responsible to John E. Ives, President, Project Manager. Responsibilities included: securing jobs to bid, estimating and negotiating with owner. Responsible for total construction and coordination after signing of general contract. Negotiated, awarded, and monitored all subcontractors, material orders, and coordinating activities of all entities through the field superintendents.

September 1978 - March 1980

Field Superintendent for IVES Construction Company, Inc., Montgomery, Alabama. Total responsibility for coordination of all laborers, subcontractors, and material suppliers on Fairway View Apartments, a, 204-unit apartment complex, and remodeling of Corporate Mall, both in Baton Rouge. LA.

June 1974 - September 1978

Field Superintendent for B & C Construction, Inc., Montgomery, Alabama. Responsible for coordination of all laborers, subcontractors, and material suppliers on various housing tracts.



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